With a mixture of hilarity and heart, hear Zach share his incredible story
“Zach was absolutely perfect for our audience of parents of children/youth with disabilities and the professionals who work with them. He was inspirational, funny, and just what we wanted.”
“Zach Anner is the living definition of ‘giving better than he’s gotten.’ Life dealt him a difficult hand but he managed to beat the house with humor, heart, and a fearless punk attitude.”
“Zach did an AMAZING JOB. His presentation was very well received by our diverse audience of educators, administrators, parents, community providers, and individuals with autism. Zach’s presentation was inspiration, instructional and full of hope.”
Your audience will learn about
leading a purpose-first life
From a very early age, Zach knew he wanted to bring people together and educate through humor. Whether it was making audiences laugh on local telethons or cracking up Oprah in the most important job interview of his life, having clarity of purpose allows us to seize opportunities, big and small. Zach inspires his audiences to both find and celebrate the meaning in their work.
flexing your gratitude muscles
Zach realized quickly that his disability was not something to “overcome,” but rather something to embrace and use as a tool. When you’re working with your challenges instead of against them, it’s much easier to move forward. When life gives you wheelchair, make lemonade. And when life gives you lemonade, make a lemonade stand…and franchise it.
Innovating through your challenges
Disabled or not, we all rely on each other and no one succeeds alone. Being able to acknowledge and amplify the amazing people around you is essential to continued mutual success. In the best relationships, empowerment is a two-way street. In his talk, Zach shares a story about being carried up a mountain, and that he doesn’t just have amazing friends, but that he’s earned them.